This article presents proof that Booth did not
die at the Garrett barn.
Important dates.
April 14, 1865—John
Wilkes Booth shot President Lincoln.
April 15, 1865—Booth
shaved off his mustache at Dr. Mudds.
April 25, 1865—after
midnight, Union troops shot and killed a man resembling John Wilkes Booth. From
pictures, the man with a mustache looked like Booth. The real Booth didn't have
a mustache at the time.
April 26, 1865—at 9 a.m.
the body was sewed up inside a blanket and taken by wagon to Washington.
April 26, 1865—the
Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton, gave out a press release saying that Booth had
been killed.
April 27, 1865—Body
delivered to Washington at 3 a.m. and Stanton and others saw it for the first
April 27, 1865 — at 1
p.m. the government began an autopsy and declared the body to be that of John
Wilkes Booth. No family members or friends were called in to identify the body.
After Edwin Stanton declared Booth dead, no one at the autopsy would dare
contradict him.
September 12, 1883— John
Byron Wilkes writes a last will and testament in Bombay India.
John Wilkes Booth
Booth was a dashing
young actor who used the stage name, John Wilkes. At a dance, John met a woman
by the name of Lola Alexander. Booth introduced himself to her as John Wilkes.
Lola found this interesting because she knew another man named John Wilkes. He
was John Byron Wilkes. He lived in Terre Haute, Indiana, with his wife
Elizabeth and their two daughters. When John Byron Wilkes was a child, his
parents emigrated to the U.S. from England.
As a young man, John
Wilkes Booth wasn’t making much money from acting. From time to time, Booth
would travel through Terra Haute on his way to theatrical engagements. To help
the struggling actor, Lola introduced Booth to John Byron Wilkes and she was
able to arrange for the struggling actor to stay in the home of John Byron
Wilkes when he was passing through Terra Haute.
Years later Booth became
a successful actor. He was making $20,000 per year at a time when many men were
making a dollar per day. He could have continued to live in comfort, but he
wanted to help avenge the South for the acts of terror caused by the Radical
Northerners like John
Brown would take a gang of armed men into the South to burn crops, kill cattle,
and destroy homes. These horrendous acts deeply upset Booth. When the war
started, he came to the aid of the South by smuggling in medical supplies. Later,
Booth was motivated into assassinating Lincoln.
Six months after the
government announced Booth’s death, Kate Scott received a letter whose
handwriting she recognized as that of John Wilkes Booth’s. The letter asked her
to retrieve some papers a lawyer was holding for Booth. The writer of the
letter said he would come to her farm to get the papers on September 15, 1865.
The letter was signed John Byron Wilkes.
On September 15, John
Wilkes Booth came to the farm and retrieved the letter. Because of this letter,
we know that Booth was using the name John Byron Wilkes six months after
Lincoln’s assassination.
People that believe
Boston Corbett shot Booth at the Garrett barn may need some convincing that the
man killed was not Booth. Because Booth did not want to be located, the proof
is hard to find. I would like to present evidence that Booth lived long after
the incident at the Garrett barn.
1. It is a fact that
John Wilkes Booth used the name John Wilkes as a stage name and in his business
2. It is a fact that in
1867, someone in San Francisco applied for a British passport to India using
the stolen identity of an immigrant named John Byron Wilkes.
3. It is a fact that in 1883
someone using the name John Byron Wilkes wrote a will in India giving a great
deal of money to Booth’s heirs.
4. It is a fact that
this person, in India, knew about Booth’s wife, lovers, children, and friends.
5. It is a fact that
this person, in India, knew about John Byron Wilkes’ immigration to the U.S.
and that his wife was married before and had two daughters.
6. It is a fact that
Ulysses S. Grant had the will investigated and approved.
7. It is a fact that the
investigation and the time it took to probate the will was over ten years.
8. It is a fact that
John Wilkes Booth’s heirs received Booth’s money.
Booth travels to India.
John Wilkes Booth had
his investments under his stage name, John Wilkes. John Wilkes Booth also had a
friend named John Byron Wilkes. John Byron Wilkes was born in England and
immigrated to the United States.
John Stevenson was in
love with Izola while she was married to Booth. After Stevenson heard the news
that Booth died at the Garrett barn, Stevenson decided to ask Izola to marry
him. When he asked her to run away with him, she informed him that Booth was
alive and living in San Francisco. She told Stevenson that she was planning to
reunite with Booth in San Francisco.
In 1867, someone in San
Francisco used the stolen identity of John Byron Wilkes to apply for a British
passport. This impostor successfully obtained a British passport allowing him
and his wife to enter India. That imposter was John Wilkes Booth. Before John
Wilkes Booth could leave for India, he had to wait for his wife, Izola. She was
traveling from Baltimore to San Francisco.
In John Stevenson’s
diary, he told about Izola meeting Booth and they set sail on April 21, 1868.
John Scott was the captain and the ship was a Civil War blockade runner called
the Indian Queen. The voyage to India would take a little over a month.
Living in India was uncomfortable
for Izola. She couldn’t visualize raising happy well-adjusted children there.
She returned to Baltimore and discovered that she was pregnant. Stevenson again asked Izola to marry him. This time she accepted.
In 1883, the man claiming
to be John Byron Wilkes wrote a will in Bombay, India, leaving John Wilkes’
money to John Wilkes Booth’s friends, lovers, and children. Someone calling
himself John Byron Wilkes wrote the will, but John Byron Wilkes and his wife,
Elizabeth, were in Terra Haute at the time. This will gave the assets of John Wilkes (Booth’s stage name) to John Wilkes
Booth’s heirs.
In 1883, the will
arrived in the United States. Ulysses S. Grant ordered an investigation. In 1896,
after the investigation and the heirs were located, the money was paid.
The people named in the
will and received Booth’s money are as follows:
Ogarita Bellows—Booth’s
daughter (Unfortunately, she died before the money was paid).
Harry Jerome
Stevenson‐-Izola's son.
Sarah Scott—Booth’s
Mary Louise Turner—Booth’s daughter.
Izola Mills—Booth’s
wife, Mother of Ogarita and Harry Jerome (Unfortunately, she died before the
money was paid.)
Ella Turner—Booth’s
lover and mother of Mary Louise.
Kate Scott—Booth’s lover
and mother of Sarah.
Henry Johnson—Booth’s
black valet.
Sarah Johnson—Booth’s
children’s caretaker and mother to Henry.
Elizabeth Marshall
Wilkes and her two daughters—Booth included in his will the wife and daughters
of the man whose identity he took.
It should be clear that
John Wilkes Booth did not die at the Garrett barn and he figured out a way to
get his money to his beneficiaries.
Hi Troy,
ReplyDeleteDid you get this information from Izola Forrester's book? I read This One Mad Act a few months ago and plan to read it again.
Also, do you know anything else about Lola Alexander? Did she spur Booth on to assassinate Lincoln?
The Yuletide Kid
My Great-great-great Grandfater was John Byron Wilkes
ReplyDeleteThis has all been debunked. DNA testing has shown NO CONNECTION between John Wilkes Booth and Isola Forrester or Henry Stevenson. And yes, there were people who identified Booth's corpse, including a doctor who had treated him. Booth died at the Garrett Barn. CASE CLOSED.
ReplyDeleteI watched a tv show that said there was no DNA connection to Booth with these descendants. I don't know if I believe that he died in the barn, but that particular chain of events doesn't appear to be accurate.